Our 3D Product Design Approach

Although our work varies greatly—from sippy cups to surgical devices— “getting it right” is the common denominator.

That means we ask the right questions, talk to the key people and consider the full range of viewpoints related to a project. To get to the right solution Definitive makes integrated collaboration part of the process from the outset.

We are firm believers in ethnography and the value of going into the field to observe end-users engaged in the activity and environment we’re designing for. We strive to fulfill unmet needs, often unrecognized needs, to provide our clients with clear competitive advantages.

Throughout our process, we adapt our approach to suit each client’s needs. For example, some products must conform to strict, measurable guidelines, while others might need to fit on a particular retailer’s shelves or hit a pre-determined price point in the marketplace. It’s all part of getting it right. And defining the imagined.

Contact us today for your next project